Goal Setting: How To Achieve Your Goals

Do you keep setting goals for yourself and never seem to achieve them? Let me be the first one to say, you are not alone! Goal setting can be so exciting in the first few weeks but somehow we lose our drive and we never get to where we want to be.

A few years ago, I was right where you are, looking for the answer to how I could ever stick to my goals and finally achieve them. I found my answer with juts two simple but powerful goal setting steps that completely shifted the way I set my goals.


Goal Setting – Taking Action:

Let me be completely honest, these are simple goal setting steps but not easy. If you want to get to where you want to be, it will require taking action. Making a decision is always a great start, but taking action is always the next practical step. This sounds obvious, however, sometimes the obvious is regularly overlooked. You didn’t get to where you are today without taking some kind of action and so it makes sense that if you’ve got a vision in your mind of where you would like to be in the future – action will be required!

girl planning her goal setting strategy.

The problem with most people is that even though they have the knowledge to do a particular thing, they lack putting the required action behind that knowledge. We often hear that ‘knowledge is power. ‘ However, knowledge is really just power in reserve. It remains useless if it is not tapped into by applying action. Knowledge that is not put to action will remain just knowledge and provides no benefit.


D O I N G  N O T H I N G  G E T S  Y O U  N O T H I N G .

~ S E A N  R E I C H L E

I will share a formula with you that has made a huge impact in my life. It has given me more clarity and understanding on how to achieve what I want in life. The formula is: Skill + A Strategy + The desire = The Desired Result.  If we applied massive action to our knowledge, it would have a faster, and even greater impact on our lives. In other words, we need to use our skills, create a killer plan and go in with all our heart. This is how passion and purpose is created and it will become your drive to move forward.


Your Beliefs

The problem is that most people find it so difficult to put the required action behind their knowledge. I believe it is nothing more than lack of belief. Our belief system is the driving force behind our behavior and the results we get in life.

Girl lifting weights. She has used her goal setting skills to get where she wants to be.

If we change our beliefs, we will change our behavior. When we change our behavior, we will change our results. Then, when we change our results – we will change our lives! It all starts with our belief system. As Johan Wolfgang von Geothe said, “Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”



W H E N  Y O U  A R E  C O M M I T T E D  I N  L I F E ,  E V E R Y T H I N G  I S  P O S S I B L E !

The commitment to our goals is perhaps the most important rule for success. Without it, we can get side-tracked through procrastination, laziness, bad habits, rationalization and a host of goal-defeating problems. Commitments usually require sacrifice in order to achieve a particular goal. When we are fully committed to our goals, attaining them is easier, and our choices become clearer.

Real commitment takes courage, sacrifice, and relentless perseverance. If you are able to hang in there and work towards your main goals (even just a little progress each day), you will fulfill them. Commit yourself to the achievement of your goals, and develop the self-discipline to do what it takes. As an added benefit, you’ll achieve the satisfaction and confidence that comes with your success.

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