What To Do When He’s Pulling Away

What To Do When He Pulls Away

It's so frustrating and disappointing when the man you want backs away and loses interest.

I know what it’s like to be interested in a man and as soon as you show your interest, he either disappears or starts acting distant and cold towards you.

So before you do anything, watch this video to learn how to bring him closer to you without accidentally pushing him away.

There are two main reasons why men disappear or start losing interest in a woman:

  1. He doesn't feel emotionally connected to her; and/or
  2. She is over-functioning in the relationship and using her masculine energy around him.

Both of these, you can fix and turn things around in your relationship very quickly.

But regardless of which of these is the cause of him disappearing or losing interest, the best way to get him closer to you is by doing absolutely NOTHING!

If you chase after him by initiating a call or text him, he will withdraw even further and you might accidentally end up pushing him all the way out of the relationship.

This is because when you initiate contact, you are using your masculine energy and what he wants and desires is a feminine energy woman.

A feminine energy woman allows him to lead and initiate at all costs.

She knows that the masculine appreciates her leaning back and relaxing.

This is not easy to do when your mind is running 100 miles per hour and you just want to pick up that phone and find out what's going on.

In order to help you with this awful feeling, I created a tool called Summer Breeze and you can use this tool whenever you feel that urge to call or initiate anything with him.


Imagine the beach on a warm, sunny day.

The temperature is perfect.

You hear the ocean, you feel the breeze.

It’s fresh, it’s warm and is refreshing.

This air, this summer breeze is you.

Think of yourself as this breeze.

This is you in your feminine energy.

You are flowing in space, freely, not attached to anything or anyone but you are curious about it all.

You are curious about life and everything around you.

Feel how that feels.

whenever a guy you are dating, becomes distant or disappears for a few days or weeks, try this summer breeze tool.

This is about shifting the FOCUS, you are now focused on you and that’s very attractive.

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