He IS Not Over His EX!! What To Do


Finding out your new bf still has feelings for his ex is not a fun pill to swallow. You are probably feeling hurt, confused and not sure what this all mean for your future together.

If that’s the case what can you do to make this nightmare disappear? In this video, I discuss the steps you should take if you find out he is not over his ex, how to get him over his ex and how to be a highly value woman in the process.

Throughout this process the number one thing you need to do is have self-confidence. You must learn to not be insecure in a relationship if you want to attract him to you and not feel threaten by the ex. You must learn how to get a man to respect you and how to control your emotions in a relationship if you want to win him over.

I would love to hear from you. Would you stay with a man who still has feelings for his ex? why or why not?

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