How To Stop Being Needy In A Relationship


Being needy in a relationship is not healthy. It will push your man away and he will lose respect for you. There is of course a big difference between being an affectionate girlfriend and a needy one. In this video I will teach you how to stop being needy and clingy as this can sabotage your relationship.

Neediness is not an attractive trait, most men will feel smothered by your excessive attention and they will pull away. This reaction will make you feel insecure in the relationship and your self-worth and self-confidence will suffer. It’s a cycle that we keep repeating and never really realizing that this is what’s happening. So if you are asking, why am I needy ?

It comes from you needing validation of your self-worth from your partner. In order to overcome neediness, you need to start focusing on you and what you have going on in your life. When we get into a relationship, we sometimes forget about ourselves and focus solely on the other person. And this is when things start going wrong.

Whatever you do, keep the focus on yourself and this is the best way to attract men. You are the queen my beautiful friend so keep that crown on your head and stay a high value woman throughout the relationship.

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